Q&A with Veteran Homeschooling Mothers: Part 12

With all the benefits these "extra" subjects provide, we need to make sure there is a balance! Kelly's wise words serve as a warning to those of us who have a tendency to "major on the minors."  Keeping things in the right perspective and in the correct order will keep you from burning out down the road.

In addition to math and language arts, is it a good use of time to include regular studies on science, history, art, music, and/or foreign  language for my elementary aged children?  Why or Why not?

"Isn’t it all good?  If it works for the family and most importantly for the mom to get all the subjects in on a weekly basis then, of course, it’s good.  The education of the children is important and that is a main reason to home educate, but the health and strength of the mom is of utmost importance.  This is a marathon, not a sprint. There is quite a bit of responsibility placed on the mom in home educating.  She is a teacher, a cook, a servant, a wife, a friend, a lover, a nurse, a daughter,  a driver, the schedule keeper, the menu planner, the house keeper, the life coach and many times the chaplain. If the mom can get it all in and maintain her joy, peace, health and marriage that is amazing.  Looking back, I’ve seen many families that started out strong and the mom crashed years down the road.  I’ve seen a few other families that it looks like they did get it all in and all seems well.  Our family never got it all in.  Never.  While I wish, of course, we had done “more,”  I would never sacrifice our time spent in our devotionals or the free time exploring, playing music and being together as a family."

Thank you for following along with us in the blog series!  In case you've missed past Q&A's, click below to hear from the other veteran homeschool mothers:

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 1

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 2

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 3

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 4

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 5

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 6

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 7

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 8

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 9

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 10

Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 11