Q&A with Veteran Homeschooling Mothers: Part 5
/We all have things we wish we had done differently, and other things we wouldn't change, even given the opportunity! Thank you for your example, Laura, of listening to the voice of the Lord and following hard after Him! May we glean wisdom from all these women who have paved the way before us...following in their footsteps where the Lord leads.
Looking back, what was something about your homeschool journey that you are glad you did? What would you have done differently?
"Looking back, there are several things I am glad we did.
1.) We followed God's leading for our family, even though it was quite different from our friends. We homeschooled to the "beat of a different drummer" from most around us, but it was God's beat for our family, which gave great peace and contentment. When given the choice to join in what their friends were doing school-wise, my childrens' choice was 'no'.
2.) We geared our high school years according to their interests and giftings.
3.) We inspired our children to be great readers by buying lots of "old" books (reprints from the 1800's), I spent more money on books than on curriculum.
4.) We took them to worldview seminars and biblical conferences to expose them to the great biblical thinkers of our day and expose them to Christian apologetics. Both my children are apologists in their field of interest.
5.) My husband and I wrote out a document titled "Why We Homeschool". It listed our reasons and Scriptures for why we were homeschooling. Back then, I carried around a planner and it was always in my planner. Once I migrated to a smart phone, it was always with me there. This was so helpful and encouraging for me. When the seasons got hard (and there will be hard seasons in your homeschool journey), I could reread this (and reread and reread) and rest in God's plan for our family. It brought me back into focus when circumstances clouded my view.
What would I have done differently? Not much overall. I would have looked into using a different math curriculum when they got older, something that would have been a better fit. I would have worked on writing skills more diligently when in high school. Both my children are writers in their own respects, in different ways, but they each needed refining in some areas."
In case you've missed the other Q&A's, click below to hear from the other veteran homeschool mothers:
Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 1
Q&A with Veteran Homeschool Mothers: Part 2
Laura has homeschooled for 15 years and completed her homeschool journey in 2010. She has 2 children; Emily was homeschooled 1st - 12th grade. Daniel was homeschooled Pre-K - 12th grade. Laura has homeschooled in both Texas and Kansas.