4th Grade Music Lesson Plans

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4th Grade Music Lesson Plans


Children love music! Music evokes emotion while playing an important role in the development of children’s brains. In fourth grade music, Lesson Plan Ladies hope to nurture that enjoyment and development in two ways: music appreciation and skills.

Music appreciation in fourth grade involves enjoying and familiarizing your child with the masters: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and countless others.

The lesson portion of LPL Fourth Grade Music Lesson Plans is taught using The Story of the Orchestra, Classical Kids’ Series Mr. Bach Comes to Call and Tchaikovsky Discovers America. Children will continue to learn about composers in the The Story of the Orchestra. They will discover different musical eras and learn about and hear musical snippets by famous composers. The other two resources will familiarize your student with the lives and music of Bach and Tchaikovsky by telling fun and fascinating stories based on the composers real lives. These wonderful audio recordings are chockfull of exciting adventures, mystery, information, and world-famous compositions.

*To purchase all the necessary books for Fourth Grade Music in one stop, click here.

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